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Frequently Asked Questions

Not finding the answer to your question? You can always Contact Us and we will get back to you as soon as we can.

Can I request Mohawk Glen Radiology?

When your doctor orders a diagnostic study, you have the right to request to have the exam done at MGI.

Can I take a copy of my exam with me?

If your doctor needs a copy of the study, we will provide a CD.

When will my results be available?

Results will be delivered or faxed to your doctor within one working day. Our radiologists will provide a report to your doctor immediately, when needed.

Can I have the results of my exam sent to multiple doctors?

Yes, we will send the results to any clinician that you request.

What insurance companies do you participate with?

MGI participates with most insurance companies including Medicaid and Medicare. If you have a specific question, please call our office at 315-339-9729 or email at

What if I don’t have insurance?

Please call our office at 315-339-9729 or email us at to discuss your specific circumstances.